Community Events


    Twelve Youth Guidance kids are the stars of a new educational video produced by the Los Angeles Dodgers. The video features baseball legend Maury Wills, one of the most popular players in club history, and other Dodgers leading batting practice and sharing baseball tips with Melissa Barajas, Traneza Edwards, Ahmir Gent, Johnathan Flowers, Kiana Shephard, Kristen Warden, Michael Stewart, Tamara Mills, Caroline Mills, Alberto Reyes, Vincent Humphrey, and Deandre Henao. Each child was given a baseball and a #12 Dodger jersey to wear in the video that will be aired in the Los Angeles area. The Dodgers later autographed the jerseys for the kids.
    These new movie stars and other Youth Guidance kids and their adult volunteers were the special guests of the Dodgers at their March 4 spring training game against the Washington Nationals.
    Youth Guidance, Indian River County’s unique mentoring and activity program for at-risk 4-16 year olds, is is actively seeking volunteers to “match” with each child in the program. Mentors, who are seventeen years and older, spend about four hours a week with their assigned child. Such a mentor can make a dramatic difference in the life of a child in need. Unfortunately, only 100 of the children registered are currently paired with a mentor. More than 500 children are waiting to be matched.
    Interested adults who may not have the time to spend with a child every week can volunteer to participate with unmatched children in special one-time outings, such as the Dodgers game, held throughout the year or to help in the office on a regular basis.
    Persons interested in learning about mentoring a child or volunteering at Youth Guidance may visit the website or call Barbara Schlitt Ford, Executive Director, at 772-770-5040 for more information.

Dodger baseball legend Maury Wills poses with Youth Guidance video stars.

Left to Right:
Back Row:     Melissa Barajas, Traneza Edwards, Ahmir Gent, Kiana Shephard, Michael Stewart, Tamara Mills, Caroline Mills, Alberto Reyes, Vincent Humphrey, Deandre Henao 
Front Row:    Johnathan Flowers, Kristen Warden

Photo Credit:    Debra McFarland, Activities Director, Youth Guidance


On April 26th, the Melbourne Greyhound Track discontinued live racing for the season. This means that over 200 greyhounds need to be transitioned from the racetrack to a life of retirement in a loving home. These gentle and loving creatures make wonderful pets and could use your help. Please consider adopting a greyhound for your home. Visit their website at: or call Dennis at: 321-242-9010.

If you are not in a position to adopt, the hounds could use some volunteers to help with their care. No time to volunteer, consider donating some much needed supplies. Visit the website for complete details.

Please help my friends find forever homes! They will love you unconditionally and always!
Upcoming Events!

Indian River Habitat for Humanity's Women Build Team: Work together to build a home with a local family in need. No skills needed - will train. Habitat's subdivision, Grace Woods, Oslo, 7:30 am - noon. Call (772) 388-1389


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